Thursday, July 10, 2008


Description: I really do like Hanging Rock State Park in NC. The waterfalls really are cool. A very enjoyable and easy to get to area, not a far drive from Greensboro, Winston Salem, High Point, or anywhere in the Triad. There's several Mom and Pop Diners on the way up. I really need to stop there and grap a hamburger, home fries, and a soft drink the next time I make the trip. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.
Several Antique Stores in Walnut Cove and other places along the drive are well worth spending time in. Some are only open on the weekends, but that's when most of us are on a road trip anyway.
With gas prices the way they are, a great way to spend an afternoon with the kids. Get a bit of exercise, explore nature in a safe place. Go for it !!!

Subject: Waterfalls
Location: Upper Cascades, Hanging Rock State Park, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

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