Saturday, July 12, 2008

Low Tide

There is a bridge of sorts that goes from Flour Bluff to the outskirts of Corpus Christi. If you look close, there's a spot to pull over and you can get good pictures if the tide is right. All in timing and what you are looking forward to shoot. That day, I wanted 'low tide' and I caught it about right. Normally the water is almost up to the fence. Shallow water, but still water. In photography, planning helps, but being lucky is more often the case.

Description: There is a bridge of sorts that goes from Flour Bluff to the outskirts of Corpus Christi. If you look close, there's a spot to pull over and you can get good pictures if the tide is right. All in timing and what you are looking forward to shoot. That day, I wanted 'low tide' and I caught it about right. Normally the water is almost up to the fence. Shallow water, but still water. In photography, planning helps, but being lucky is more often the case।

Subject: Low Tide
Location: Flour Bluff, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi
To buy this unique artwork on glossy or canvas print,visit my
online gallery

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