Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pears After Rain

Description: I had about 1/2' of rain yesterday, but it was bad enough weather to knock out my power for almost 2 hours. Great.

No TV, Internet (my life blood, lol). I did have my cell phone to use if I needed it though.

So I spent some time walking around with the camera to revisit my many fruit trees I have growing. For the most part, I just let them grow until it's time to pick the bounty that grows. This will be the 1st time I'll be able to do so, as last year an early freeze knocked out most all. My Pecan trees, that was a real shame. No Pecan Pies or anything, darn. This year looks better.

I liked this picture for many reasons. The simpleness of it, the water drops clinging to the pears.

The grape vines, apple, and pear trees all look good.

Looking forward to a good harvest to share with all.

Subject: Wet Pears
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy or canvas print, visit my online gallery.

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