Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bob Hall Pier at Night

Night time photography can be rather tricky. A sturdy tripod is a must have item, along with using the timer on the camera or an external shutter release. There are various settings on the camera that should also be adjusted such as ISO that can help.

This is a night shot of Bob Hall Pier in Corpus Christi, TX. I like the street lights and clouds in the photograph along with the lone walker strolling on the beach. It was taken in an of 2008, and as you can imagine, the weather was still very mild. I was probably wearing a short sleeve shirt to be honest.

Subject: Bob Hall Pier
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

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