Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hibiscus Showing Drama

This photograph was taken last July while I was walking around my house. I played with it a bit to bring out the 'Drama' that I felt it was giving me. Divas, what can ya say there.

Subject: Hibiscus
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fall Colors

Some Fall Colors from Bir-Mil Park in Summerfield NC. Actually, I think Greensboro claims it. But it is in Summerfield, lol. The leaves here are close to the peak of color.
I'm hoping to get to other lakes and nearby ponds to get more shots.

Subject: Fall Leaf Colors
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Barn and Fence

This is the same barn I've photographed several times in the past. This time, I decided to try a different angle using the fence post and rails. What do you think?

Subject: Barn and Fence
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Half Moon

I like cool photographs of the moon, and I believe this qualifies as one of them. It is a bit difficult using the 2x entender I have due to the fact that I have to focus manually, and my eye ain't what they used to be, lol. Subject: Half Moon Location: Summerfield, NC Medium: Photography Camera: Canon Rebel XTi To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Wet Web

Yesterday, I decided to walk around in the field beside my house after raining the past few days. Over there, I have Pear and Peach trees, and more Grape Vines. I ran across several Spider Webs what were covered with rain drops, so, of course I had to take a few photographs of them. Subject: Wet Spider Web Location: Summerfield, NC Medium: Photography Camera: Canon Rebel XTi To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Monday, September 1, 2008

B/W Hose Spray

A different picture that I just felt in the mood to take. Maybe I was bored, who knows. This is the railing on my back porch with the hose sprayer. After viewing it, I thought it might be cool looking to switch to Black and White. The effect worked to my liking, so I decided to keep it and post to my blog. My hope, is that you like it also. Subject: B/W Photography Location: Summerfield, NC Medium: Photography Camera: Canon Rebel XTi To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bumble Bee

I like all kinds of creatures. The more interesting the better. This Bumble Bee helps us by making the honey. Hey, I like Honey Buns, so I'm happy to have them around.

Subject: Bumble Bee
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Butterfly & Bee

The joys of Nature.

There is nothing I enjoy more than watching the interactions of all the creatures around us all. An amazing display of color from the many Butterflies, to the work the Bumble Bees use to bring the life giving nectar of the flowers back to the hive to create the honey we all enjoy.
A great display of living in harmony. They each do their own thing.
Mankind still has a lot to learn.

Subject: Butterfly & Bee
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Looking for Necture

Now this Bumble Bee is looking for the sweet nectar of life it seems. I've seen many Bees and Butterflies enjoy this bush over time. I have to say, every time I pass by and smell the aroma, it does pause me in my tracks.

Subject: Bumble Bee
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cactus Bud

When I first moved into this house, I noticed the huge Cactus plant. Well, living in Texas for a long time, hard to miss it. They grow like weeds there. This one did bloom some great yellow flowers later.

I did work on this photograph a bit. Lets just say the 'birds' left thier mark on it .... If anybody wants a few tricks to work on thier own photographs, drop me an e-mail, I'll be happy to give a few pointers.

Subject: Cactus
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I liked the drooping angle of the leaves on this pecan tree growing in my yard, and the thoughts of all the Pecan Pies I hope someone will bake for me with the fruit I give them.

Subject: Pecan Tree
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Friday, August 15, 2008

In Line For Food

I think of this shot as, 'Waiting My Turn'. Two birds eating the Sunflower seeds I put there, and one waiting, thinking, 'hurry up, I'm hungry too'. Yeah I know. I put my words into animals of all sorts to say what I think. But you all know me well by now. That might not be a good thing, lol.

A sad thing I read in the newspaper today. A giraffe from the Asheboro Zoo passed away yesterday. I've taken several pictures of him. He was 14 years old. An old age from what the paper said. I'm glad I guess I'm not a giraffe.

Subject: Birds at Feeder
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dogs At Church

OK, A bit 'Off the Wall' on shot and thoughts.
I see A Preacher Dog talking to another dog as he is coughing. Yeah I know, my imagination runs rather wild.
This is another shot from the Hidden Caverns near San Antonio Texas. A great place to visit if you are anywhere nearby or on a trip thru the area.

Subject: Dogs at Church
Location: Hidden Caverns, San Antonio, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.


These things, stalamites, if I'm not mistaken, remind me of statues on an alter. Aranged by the slowly drip, drip, drip of water from the limestone rocks above into the cavern below. A really amazing display of what happens in our world above and below. Give credit to Mother Nature for sights such as this.

Subject: Rock Formations
Location: Hidden Caverns, San Antonio, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sea of Red

This is a 'Sea of Red Azaleas'.
A sure sign of Spring in North Carolina, is when the Azalea bushes start to grace us with its wonder display of colors in the many different variations it has. Many places in the Southern States have festivals to celebrate the occasion.

Subject: Azalea Bush
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Flower Moose

Now if Pablo Picasso was to morph (as he always seems to do) a flower with the image of a moose, he just might end up with something like this. Yeah, I know. I do have a wild and vivid imagination. What else is new ....
But I do see the antlers, eyes, nostrils, mouth, etc. By chance do you see it, or am I just a Nut?
This shot of the flowers were taken in my yard last May.

Subject: Flower Moose
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Red Roses

Roses and other flowers grow great in North Carolina, even if you have a Brown Thumb like me. To be honest, I did use some software editing on this one. I wanted it the way I saw it in my minds' eye. Very few photographs are 'perfect', most all could use a little help.

Subject: Red Roses
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Down the Drain

I will be the first person to call me a 'nut'.
With that said, there was a heavy rain and I had to look at the drain by my basement. (don�t ask me why, just had to) What 'I' see are many faces being swirled around in agony or glee. Hard to tell, and all depends on how you care to see the imagination we all have. My imagination sometimes is over the top, and that is OK with me.
It is good to be a �nut�, lol.

Subject: Water Drain
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Monday, August 4, 2008

High Angle Waterfall Shot

This a rather high angle photograph of the Lower Cascades Waterfall in Hanging Rock State Park that I enjoy of going to. I've been there many times, this one was taken last Feb. A great place to take the kids for a day trip, just 30 miles from Greensboro, NC.

Subject: High Angle
Location: Hanging Rock State Park, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

B/W Snowy Pond

This is probably my favorite photograph of the snow we had on Feb 14, 2008. This pond picture was taken at the Summerfield Park. The 'mood' of it lended itself to be switched to Black and White. Bleak, cold, just fits the image.
Still an outstanding photograph if I may say so with the snow and reflections of the trees off of the still water.

Subject: B/W Snowy Pond
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fuzzy Blue Flowers

Some 'Fuzzy Blue Flowers' I found in my yard last May.
Yeah, yeah. I don't know the name of them but that is not abnormal for me. The flowers do look cool though. I like the angle of this shot. Kinda wants me to explore more.

Subject: Blue Flowers
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Flower & Sky

This flower and bud are searching to the sunlight for the time to allow it to have life, and given the grace to grow.
Now think. Isn't that what we all want in our personal and professional life?

Subject: Flower & Sky
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Bashful Flower

A pair of bashful flowers. Don't even think about asking me it's name, just not a flower guy lol. Hey, I'm a guy, do know some of them, but some guys do know more. I do know the right person to call and get the right answer for however.
To me, it looks like bashful flowers sticking out thier tongues at the rest of the world. The pedals cover the eyes playing 'hide and seek', or maybe 'Marco Polo', lol. Your call on that.
We all see, and imagine the best to our abilities.

Subject: Flower
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


The saying, 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet', I believe to be true. Thie rose is just one of many different flowers that grow in my yard.
I have to admit, different flowers have a slightly different aroma to my untrained nose. The rose, and all the other flowers are still nice to view.

Subject: Rose
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bunny Rabbit

All kinds of critters visit my backyard. This rabbit was kind enough to decide and see me so I could have a chance to at least to get a photograph of them.
I enjoy all the little creatures. Sunflower seeds are always in my bird feeders.

Subject: Rabbit
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Follow the Leader

I'd like to think that this was a game of 'Follow the Leader', but that is just what a school of fish do.
Carol took this shot while in Belize diving with her husband Cris. I really want to try scuba diving and snorkling one day. Visiting Belize, well, that would be a big plus also.

Subject: School of Fish
Location: Belize
Medium: Photography

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.


Another photograph of many that I have from my trip to the Natural Bridge Caverns near San Antonio TX. The rock formations there are really an amazing sight to see, and a must visit location for folks visiting in the area.

Subject: Caverns
Location: Natural Bridge Caverns
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Upper Cascades

The Upper Cascades are above the Lower Cascades. Well, duhh. Just kidding. They are in the Hanging Rock State Park in NC, near Danbury and Walnut Cove.
It's good to see gas prices going down, maybe I can get back up there soon again ......

Subject: Upper Cascades
Location: Hanging Rock State Park, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Slow Falls

As the water slowly falls over the many rocks on its journey downstream, it remains a restful place for reflection on life, and the too hurried pace it often takes.
This is another photograph from Hanging Rock State Park, NC. A very nice place to visit to anyone in the Triad area.

Subject: Waterfalls
Location: Hanging Rock State Park, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Mountain Laurel

Mountain Laurel does grow larger when it gets a bit further south than in the Nothern states, so that it is nearly treelike in height and weight near the mountainous areas of North Carolina, but further north it remains smaller and shrublike, topping out at about 8 or 9 feet.
Many names have been given to Mountain Laurel by the settlers and native Americans, among them, ivybush, calico bush, spoonwood, sheeps laurel, lambkill (because it is poisonous to the animals as well) and Clamoun.

Subject: Mountain Laurel
Location: Hanging Rock State Park
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cavern 2

Another photograph from the new Album on Caverns I've added to my website. Natural Bridge Caverns are just Northeast of San Antonio TX. A great place to visit to see the wonderous world underground.
In many places, the formations go from floor to ceiling. Very amazing sights. Take a trip to San Antonio TX and see for yourself.

Subject: Caverns and Caves
Location: Natural Bridge Caverns, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.


I had so many photographs of the Natural Bridge Caverns near San Antonio TX that I liked, I created an Album for them. So far, just 20 are in there. The formations of the silt filled water dripping from above created amazing effects. Just so cool (no pun intended on the temp in the caves) to see.

Subject: Cavern
Location: Natural Bridge Caverns
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Sail boating is a great time for folks in Corpus Christi and the many visitors that visit the marina there. The Marina is a safe place to berth for your visit, and there are many great restaurants in the area to enjoy fabulous meals, from 5 star restaurants, to a good Tex-Mex dinner.

Subject: Sailboat
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Inside the Palm

This Palm photograph was taken a while back while in Corpus Christi, TX. I believe it is from the Sago Palm species. There are quite a few species of palm. Several are harmful to dogs if they eat the nuts or leaves. Dogs will eat most anything. Well, I will to, but that's a different story.

Subject: Sago Palm
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Lady Lex

Lady Lex has a very long story. She is also known as 'The Grey Ghost'.
If you'd like to read more, place this into your browser.
She has had a very glorious career in her service. She is now berthed in Corpus Christi and folks visit her year round as a fitting museum for her past work.


Subject: Lady Lex
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Fitzgerald Coat of Arms

This is a scanned image from a print I bought while in England in '98. Of course I had to research my Fitzgerald name while there. In time, I did find this shop that had all the information that I was looking for.

This is the Coat of Arms for the Fitzgerald name.

Subject: Coat of Arms
Location: England
Medium: Photography

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Coral and Fish

Fish are lazily swimming around coral in Belize. Some of my friends are scuba divers, and enjoy vacationing in Belize. I'd love to go there one day. The water looks so blue and clear. It really looks to be a lot of fun to see sights like this.

Subject: Coral
Location: Belize
Medium: Photography

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.


Another photograph of turtles from a pond in Corpus Christi, TX. They do enjoy sunning themselfs to warm up. I've read that turtles were around 200 million years ago.

Subject: Turtles
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Baby, Mom, and Dad Turtle

These turtles are resting on a log, warming up in the sunlight. This pond in Corpus Christi TX is a place I went to often for relaxing and enjoying nature.
In my mind, I think of Baby, Mom, and Dad spending time together.

Subject: Turtles
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


As fishermen try thier best to snag a big fish for dinner, birds are flying looking for cast offs or bait fish to tempt thier bills as the sun goes slowly down.
This photograph was taken from the access road off South Padre Island Drive (SPID) between Corpus Christi and Flour Bluff, TX.
I'm sure that these fishermen are having a good time, and I hope they caught thier limit on fish.

Subject: Fishermen
Location: Flour Bluff, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Pink Flower

Yes, yes. I am flower stupid. As far as I know this is a pink flower, lol. That is the best I can do for now. I was using the macro lens attached to my camera.
I then used Picassa to crop some and bring out the color a bit more. And the final touch was using Photofiltre to remove any small imperfections I decided to remove.
Photo editing software does come in handy.

Subject: Pink Flower
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bob Hall Night - Looking South

Another night time photograph of Bob Hall Pier in Corpus Christi, TX. I'm looking and shooting south on these photographs as the tide is slowly retreating into the sea. Now times like this are very relaxing and needless to say, visit Corpus Christi yourself. Enjoy the drivable beaches (yes you can drive on the beach there).
I've seen lots of folks surf fishing along this beach. Soon, I'll find a few and post those as well.

Subject: Bob Hall Pier
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Bob Hall Pier at Night

Night time photography can be rather tricky. A sturdy tripod is a must have item, along with using the timer on the camera or an external shutter release. There are various settings on the camera that should also be adjusted such as ISO that can help.

This is a night shot of Bob Hall Pier in Corpus Christi, TX. I like the street lights and clouds in the photograph along with the lone walker strolling on the beach. It was taken in an of 2008, and as you can imagine, the weather was still very mild. I was probably wearing a short sleeve shirt to be honest.

Subject: Bob Hall Pier
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Dragonfly 2

Dragonflies are very ancient insects, they already flew around when the dinosaurs ruled this world. The dinosaurs disappeared, but the dragonflies remained. Today we have about 5000 species of dragonflies all over the world.

Some more interesting info about Dragonflies. Did you know that some are called Damselflies?

Subject: Dragonfly
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.


The adult dragonfly will hunt and often eat on the wing. It will also look for a mate. Dragonflies mate in flight, and are often seen flying in tandem. When the dragonflies have successfully mated, the female will look for a suitable pond where she will lay her eggs and the cycle begins again. Adult dragonflies can live up to 2 months.

I found that info on dragonfly site, a lot of interesting information about Dragonflies such as some nymph (while living in the water growing) can stay that way for four years.

Subject: Dragonfly
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Stingray

Another cool underwater photograph from Carol while in Belize. She has done a great job and I hope that you view her work on my Online Gallery.
This is a stingray, skimming the bottom as they often do. Just don't step on one by accident. You might not like the stinger or barb going into places you'd rather they not be going into.

Subject: Underwater Stingray
Location: Belize
Medium: Photography

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Squirrel at Lunch

This guy is really enjoying the nut he found for lunch.
I'm a nature guy. I enjoy all that Mother Nature has to offer us if we just take the time to slow down and look.
So slow down and take the time to smell the roses along your path thru life.
Good advice. Use it .....

Subject: Squirrel
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Lake on Trail

This is another photograph from the trail between Strawberry Rd in Summerfield, NC to Bur-Mil Park. I took this shot on the same day as the previous picture. I've seen folks riding bikes, Moms pushing the young ones in strollers. I very nice place to be when it is not as hot as it is right now.

Subject: Lake on Trail
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Vines Gone Wild

In Guilford County, NC, there are a lot of walking and biking trails to enjoy. The trail I was on this day mid Dec of last year goes from Strawberry Rd in Summerfield to Bur-Mil Park. I didn't walk that far on this day. But I did take a side trail to get this shot of a vine covered tree. It was mid Dec, so of course all the leaves are long gone.
A very peaceful way to get excerise and enjoy nature with all the fresh air.

Subject: Vine Covered Tree
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I'd have to say that this was different.
Aaron, great past boss from work invited me to his and Trishs house on a river near Corpus Christi while I was there to train folks. They cooked some great steaks and I had the best time visiting folks in a long time. I could go on and on about thier house, but maybe later.
They did tell me the story behind it, but I forgot it, lol.

Subject: Boot Table
Location: Corpus Christi, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.