Monday, August 25, 2008

Bumble Bee

I like all kinds of creatures. The more interesting the better. This Bumble Bee helps us by making the honey. Hey, I like Honey Buns, so I'm happy to have them around.

Subject: Bumble Bee
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Butterfly & Bee

The joys of Nature.

There is nothing I enjoy more than watching the interactions of all the creatures around us all. An amazing display of color from the many Butterflies, to the work the Bumble Bees use to bring the life giving nectar of the flowers back to the hive to create the honey we all enjoy.
A great display of living in harmony. They each do their own thing.
Mankind still has a lot to learn.

Subject: Butterfly & Bee
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Looking for Necture

Now this Bumble Bee is looking for the sweet nectar of life it seems. I've seen many Bees and Butterflies enjoy this bush over time. I have to say, every time I pass by and smell the aroma, it does pause me in my tracks.

Subject: Bumble Bee
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cactus Bud

When I first moved into this house, I noticed the huge Cactus plant. Well, living in Texas for a long time, hard to miss it. They grow like weeds there. This one did bloom some great yellow flowers later.

I did work on this photograph a bit. Lets just say the 'birds' left thier mark on it .... If anybody wants a few tricks to work on thier own photographs, drop me an e-mail, I'll be happy to give a few pointers.

Subject: Cactus
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I liked the drooping angle of the leaves on this pecan tree growing in my yard, and the thoughts of all the Pecan Pies I hope someone will bake for me with the fruit I give them.

Subject: Pecan Tree
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Friday, August 15, 2008

In Line For Food

I think of this shot as, 'Waiting My Turn'. Two birds eating the Sunflower seeds I put there, and one waiting, thinking, 'hurry up, I'm hungry too'. Yeah I know. I put my words into animals of all sorts to say what I think. But you all know me well by now. That might not be a good thing, lol.

A sad thing I read in the newspaper today. A giraffe from the Asheboro Zoo passed away yesterday. I've taken several pictures of him. He was 14 years old. An old age from what the paper said. I'm glad I guess I'm not a giraffe.

Subject: Birds at Feeder
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dogs At Church

OK, A bit 'Off the Wall' on shot and thoughts.
I see A Preacher Dog talking to another dog as he is coughing. Yeah I know, my imagination runs rather wild.
This is another shot from the Hidden Caverns near San Antonio Texas. A great place to visit if you are anywhere nearby or on a trip thru the area.

Subject: Dogs at Church
Location: Hidden Caverns, San Antonio, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.


These things, stalamites, if I'm not mistaken, remind me of statues on an alter. Aranged by the slowly drip, drip, drip of water from the limestone rocks above into the cavern below. A really amazing display of what happens in our world above and below. Give credit to Mother Nature for sights such as this.

Subject: Rock Formations
Location: Hidden Caverns, San Antonio, TX
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sea of Red

This is a 'Sea of Red Azaleas'.
A sure sign of Spring in North Carolina, is when the Azalea bushes start to grace us with its wonder display of colors in the many different variations it has. Many places in the Southern States have festivals to celebrate the occasion.

Subject: Azalea Bush
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Flower Moose

Now if Pablo Picasso was to morph (as he always seems to do) a flower with the image of a moose, he just might end up with something like this. Yeah, I know. I do have a wild and vivid imagination. What else is new ....
But I do see the antlers, eyes, nostrils, mouth, etc. By chance do you see it, or am I just a Nut?
This shot of the flowers were taken in my yard last May.

Subject: Flower Moose
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Red Roses

Roses and other flowers grow great in North Carolina, even if you have a Brown Thumb like me. To be honest, I did use some software editing on this one. I wanted it the way I saw it in my minds' eye. Very few photographs are 'perfect', most all could use a little help.

Subject: Red Roses
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Down the Drain

I will be the first person to call me a 'nut'.
With that said, there was a heavy rain and I had to look at the drain by my basement. (don�t ask me why, just had to) What 'I' see are many faces being swirled around in agony or glee. Hard to tell, and all depends on how you care to see the imagination we all have. My imagination sometimes is over the top, and that is OK with me.
It is good to be a �nut�, lol.

Subject: Water Drain
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Monday, August 4, 2008

High Angle Waterfall Shot

This a rather high angle photograph of the Lower Cascades Waterfall in Hanging Rock State Park that I enjoy of going to. I've been there many times, this one was taken last Feb. A great place to take the kids for a day trip, just 30 miles from Greensboro, NC.

Subject: High Angle
Location: Hanging Rock State Park, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other media, visit my online gallery.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

B/W Snowy Pond

This is probably my favorite photograph of the snow we had on Feb 14, 2008. This pond picture was taken at the Summerfield Park. The 'mood' of it lended itself to be switched to Black and White. Bleak, cold, just fits the image.
Still an outstanding photograph if I may say so with the snow and reflections of the trees off of the still water.

Subject: B/W Snowy Pond
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fuzzy Blue Flowers

Some 'Fuzzy Blue Flowers' I found in my yard last May.
Yeah, yeah. I don't know the name of them but that is not abnormal for me. The flowers do look cool though. I like the angle of this shot. Kinda wants me to explore more.

Subject: Blue Flowers
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Flower & Sky

This flower and bud are searching to the sunlight for the time to allow it to have life, and given the grace to grow.
Now think. Isn't that what we all want in our personal and professional life?

Subject: Flower & Sky
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.

Bashful Flower

A pair of bashful flowers. Don't even think about asking me it's name, just not a flower guy lol. Hey, I'm a guy, do know some of them, but some guys do know more. I do know the right person to call and get the right answer for however.
To me, it looks like bashful flowers sticking out thier tongues at the rest of the world. The pedals cover the eyes playing 'hide and seek', or maybe 'Marco Polo', lol. Your call on that.
We all see, and imagine the best to our abilities.

Subject: Flower
Location: Summerfield, NC
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon Rebel XTi

To buy this unique artwork on glossy, canvas print or on other products, visit my online gallery.